About us

Pharma Hermetic Limited is one of the pioneers in hair biotechnology products in Barcelona, Spain. It’s a specialty pharmaceutical company producing hair care products.
The word HERMETIC comes from the medieval Latin hermeticus, which is derived from the name of the Greek god Hermes.
The synonymous term Hermetical is also attested in the 17th century. Sir Thomas Browne in his Religio Medici of 1643 wrote: “Now besides these particular and divided Spirits, there may be (for ought I know) a universal and common Spirit to the whole world. It was the opinion of Plato, and is yet of the Hermeticall Philosophers.”
Phama Hermetic was born after an extensive experience of more than 20 years in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical world, Pharma Hermetic founders decided to combine their knowledge and the acquired know-how to establish a company that would focus its activity specifically on the hair care.

Our products are manufactured under strick GMP standards.
Pharma Hermetic strongly believes the beauty secret relies on the prevention as a mandatory action for both women and men around the world, recognize their deeper aspirations and express to the maximum their unique personalities. Given that, we proudly work every day …
To guarantee painless and extremely efficient hair treatments designed to prevent hair loss in both men and women.
To provide verified results backed up by scientific researches and publications about the ingredients used and therefore our products
Offer alternatives to old and invasive techniques through advanced systems, always keeping in mind the full satisfaction of our clients, without causing side effects.